“Highest quality standards you can expect”
Premier Builder and Remodeling is our custom home builder company from design to construction. Our team of designers, architects, vendors and contractors provide premium customer service with tailor made floor plans and quality materials at an competitive price. PBR sets itself apart through its unique ability to make custom changes without sacrificing affordability. We believe everyone deserves a home they can be proud of to create a lifetime worth of memories!

How we started
Before my husband Norman and I met, we both were into the real estate business. In college, I attended my first city auction and purchased a small piece of land for $500. The original owner recently passed away and the city decided to sell it for only the amount owed on backed taxes. A couple weeks later I decided to get some maintenance done at the property and ran into the owner next door. He was interested in extending his home so I convinced him to purchase my property for the future addition which would be cheaper than purchasing another new home. Luckily, I tripled my initial investment and returned to the auction to start all over again. After doing so a few times, I saved and accumulated enough money to purchase my first home right after college.

Norman is an engineer by degree but ventured into real estate right after graduating college. Being from Jamaica, he had rental properties there as well as in the U.S. Once we started dating, one of our main goals was to create multiple streams of income in order to save for the future. We would help each other maintain the properties we accumulated together. Norman has worked and dedicated himself to obtaining over 15 years of experience in the industry.

Fortunately, after shortly dating, we were presented with an opportunity to remodel an entire home for a retired professional builder through a referral of a friend. He was so pleased with the final result that a year later, he decided to buy land and have a new custom home built from the ground up. That was our first project where we were able to fully engage from design to construction with him being our mentor. Now years later, we’ve had the pleasure of building several residential homes, commercial properties, and completing a large number of full remodels in the Houston and surrounding area, as well as internationally in Jamaica.

Let us know how we can assist you
If you’re in the Houston or surrounding area and interested in building commercial or residential properties, feel free to contact us and check out our website below for additional details! We look forward to hearing from you!