Hi there! My name is Muneera Page and welcome to my lifestyle blog!

I definitely consider myself to be a social butterfly! I love people, I love building relationships, I love navigating through life’s unforeseen obstacles and figuring out my purpose! I started this blog to share my lifestyle and journey of being a God fearing wife to an amazing husband, mother of blended family with 4 beautiful girls (11 year old, 3 year old twins, 8 month old baby), and a career woman. I was born an only child in Saudi Arabia to an Indian mother and African-American father. Over the course of years, I’ve managed to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in both Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. I’m a full-time business professional by day and a lifestyle blogger by night!

Through laughs, tears, accomplishments, and lessons learned, my goal is to continue sharing my journey and remain humble in hopes of impacting as many women and young girls with inner confidence, education, motivation and self-love. Life doesn’t have to be perfect in order to be powerful! I’ve managed to build a successful lifestyle brand focused on faith, marriage, children, business, fashion, and so much more! If you’re looking for life advice, tips on gaining multiple streams of income, becoming a successful business woman, travel fun, family, motherhood, and anything else you can think of, don’t forget to subscribe for all the latest updates! Look forward to sharing with you!